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Portable Dimensions Crack Free [Win/Mac]


Portable Dimensions Crack Free Download Portable Dimensions For Windows 10 Crack 1.0, which is available as a trial, is a compact, modern-looking, highly-configurable, cross-platform application for entering and calculating dimensions in scientific notation. Version 1.0 includes calculation of area, length, circumference, volume and surface area. Version 1.0 supports units of measure of both imperial and metric system. Portable Dimensions has been developed for computing dimensions (M, L, T, t) for an equation. The application can be extremely useful when doing derivations of formulae, since keeping the dimensions of the LHS and the RHS in synchronization is essential. You can check the dimensions of any expression by dragging and dropping units onto the work area. You can also check the dimensions of just the numerator or just the denominator. Features: -Built-in calculator for calculating area, length, circumference, volume and surface area. -Built-in OCR to read the text into the entered units, and to check whether the entered units are right. -Built-in text to speech which will read units and dimensions to you. -Built-in equation solver which can handle most cases automatically (by adding parenthesis to the equation and then dragging/dropping units on the left-hand side of the equation), and can be used manually when the equation is too complex. -Built-in functions such as deg2rad(deg*pi/180), sin2rad(sin(deg*pi/180)), cos2rad(cos(deg*pi/180)) which can be very useful for writing formulae involving trigonometric functions. -Built-in support for comma-separated values (CSV), works for most major spreadsheet programs. -Built-in interface to OCR to get the entered units. -Built-in interface to OCR to check the units. -Built-in interface to text to speech. -Built-in interface to text to speech OCR. -Built-in user interface to add units and dimensions to an equation. -Built-in file upload to add units and dimensions to an equation. -Built-in interface to Excel to paste units and dimensions from Excel. -Built-in interface to graph, plot, chart, and save as image. -Built-in interface to LaTeX to add units and dimensions to LaTeX. -Built-in interface to image converter to convert units and dimensions in Portable Dimensions Product Key Full * Dimensions is a native form that is always available when you are in a work area. It can only be used for temporary storage of dimensions. * Work area is a convenient place to store the dimensions. * A work area can also be used to store a mathematical expression. * Symbols are used for dimensions * Dimensions can be stored in variables Features: * Ability to edit the dimensions of an expression * Ability to check the dimensions of an expression * Ability to choose the operator to use for the dimension * Ability to use dimensions in the expression * Ability to use dimensions in a work area * Ability to use dimensions in a URL * Ability to use dimensions in a URL that is being used for a formula (1+2) x 3 * Dimensions are stored in variables * Dimensions can be used to show the dimension of a formula * Dimension can be used to show the units of a number * Dimension can be used to show the units of a fraction * Dimension can be used to show the units of a decimal * Dimension can be used to show the units of a trig function * Dimension can be used to show the units of a trig function * Dimensions can be used to show the units of a scalar function * Dimension can be used to show the units of a scalar function Please email if you need further information. Changelog: * 1.0 - initial release * 1.1 - fix for bug where units are not saved correctly when an expression is changed * 1.2 - fix for when units are checked, symbols are not selected * 1.3 - fix for resizing of work area when dimensions are stored * 1.4 - fix for URL support * 1.5 - fix for units not stored correctly when changing the dimensions of a variable * 1.6 - fix for incorrect units when using dimensions with trig functions * 1.7 - fix for undo in expression change * 1.8 - fix for dimension change not showing in the URL * 1.9 - fix for option to not show units of the expression when using a mouse * 1.10 - fix for LHS and RHS in the wrong order * 1.11 - fix for display of expression * 1.12 - fix for starting a new expression when there are no units * 1.13 - add more buttons for a and b * 1.14 - fix for bug when using custom fonts * 1.15 - fix for two expressions not showing the dimensions in the URL * 1.16 - fix for resolution independence of the dimensions in a URL * 1.17 - fix for no display of dimensions when there is no expression in the URL * 1.18 - fix for no dimensions in the work area when using a mouse * 1 8e68912320 Portable Dimensions For PC - Development from Requires that the new script be run after has been run. - Keyboard shortcut: Control-K - Version 1.0 - Copyrighted in 2013 by Ian Rae If you are using the LHS of an equation to avoid long parenthesis, you can quickly generate a new line by clicking the ">" symbol. Then click the "P" symbol and the line will be corrected. If you want to replace an expression in the middle of a line, you can simply use the search function and replace. If you are using Symbolic Math Suite, there is a new LHS-to-RHS script for matrix algebra and other calculations. Generating equation with Power of a matrix This script generates a matrix equation using the power of a matrix. The matrix to be generated can be in any of the following formats: -3x3 matrix, -4x4 matrix, -4x4 matrix containing more than 2 dimensions, -4x4 matrix containing more than 3 dimensions. If you want to generate the matrix only for some specific operations such as determinant, power of a matrix and trace, you can use the "-" symbol before the type of operation. For example, when you want to generate a determinant only for a specific matrix, you can type "determinant -3x3". This script is extremely useful when you want to find the generating matrix of the differential of a differential expression or the integral of a differential expression. USAGE: -Command: - Enter a name (optional) - Insert the name of the expression(s) - The script will calculate the generating matrix of each operation and output them on the screen. - You can generate the power of a matrix with 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. - You can generate only for certain types of operations such as determinant, power of a matrix, trace etc. - You can check the power of a matrix by entering its formula on the LHS and then pressing the "=" symbol, so that the LHS and the RHS of the equation are synchronized. - You can use the keyboard shortcut to quickly generate a new line by pressing the ">" and then press the "P" and the line will be corrected. - You can also press the ">" symbol to check the generating matrix of the LHS and the RHS What's New In? System Requirements For Portable Dimensions: MS Visual Studio 2015 Compiler Edition Update 1 CUDA 7.5 Windows 8/8.1 Windows 7 SP1 or higher Please note: The game will only run on the latest Windows operating systems, with the latest graphics drivers installed. You can check for updates to Windows and graphics drivers by opening the Start Menu, selecting Settings from the gear icon, then selecting System. Then find out your Windows version and graphics driver version by hovering the cursor over them. You can also click on your graphics driver version, and if it states that

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